About Air Quality (CDAQ):
The Cleveland Division of Air Quality (CDAQ) is the air pollution control agency serving Cleveland and Cuyahoga County. CDAQ is contracted with the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency to enforce state and local air pollution control regulations within its jurisdiction. The Division has protected human health through the enforcement of air pollution control laws since 1882. To read more about CDAQ’s history and how air pollution has changed in Cleveland.
There are currently four sections in CDAQ that collectively work to improve the air and quality of life in Cleveland. The sections include Ambient Air Monitoring, Enforcement, Outreach and Permitting.
Ambient Air Monitoring Section:
The ambient air monitoring section operates a network of ambient (outdoor) air monitors throughout Cuyahoga County that measure "criteria pollutants". The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) uses six “criteria pollutants” as indicators of air quality, and has established for each of them a maximum concentration above which adverse effects on humans may occur. The threshold concentrations are known as the National Ambient Air Quality Standards and they were established through the 1970 Amendment to the Clean Air Act.
Bryan Sokolowski, Chief of Monitoring:
(216) 420-7663 |
Enforcement Section:
Enforcement staff ensures compliance of industrial and commercial air pollution sources within Cuyahoga County that are regulated by Ohio EPA. The Enforcement section responds to citizen complaints regarding outdoor air quality; inspects regulated sources; and regulates asbestos abatement and demolition activities in Cuyahoga County for sources that are subject to the
National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for asbestos. In addition to stationary sources, the team investigates allegations of emission control tampering on automobiles.
Roman Fedorko, Chief of Enforcement:
(216) 664-4794 |
Outreach Section:
The Outreach Section was established in 2018 to increase services to the Cleveland Community by expanding community engagement efforts. The team develops air quality educational materials and meets with a variety of stakeholders to share the services offered by the Division of Air Quality. Outreach staff participate in public health meetings, present at meetings and conferences upon invitation, and table at community engagement events. The team has been developing a complaint resolution service for Indoor Air Quality concerns which were previously not addressed.
Christina Yoka, Chief of Air Pollution Outreach:
(216) 664-2129 |
Permitting Section:
The permitting staff prepare Ohio EPA Air permits for stationary sources of air pollution (including power plants, gas stations, incinerators, and other fixed sources of air pollution). Permits are required to be obtained before construction begins, and to operate the source. The permits developed by the permitting section apply federal, state and local laws to control air pollution from regulated sources. Permitting staff witness compliance testing for emission units that require this action and process reports required by the facility permit or through a state/federal rule.
Tim Swavely, Chief of Engineering:
(216) 664-7440 |